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Ten Thousand Hours

Gravity & Other Myths (AUS)
Thu 17/10/2024 - 19:00
4-104 yrs

Ticket prices

€ 18 (section 1) - € 16 (section 2)

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The Australian company Gravity & Other Myths combines technical perfection with meaning, humor and impressive acrobatics. ‘Ten Thousand Hours’ is an ode to that what it takes to achieve great things: blood, sweat, tears, time, courage, dedication and perseverance. That is the way to become very good at something. However, not everyone is capable of what the eight acrobats and the drummer demonstrate. ‘Ten Thousand Hours’ reveals how they managed to achieve that. A playful and spectacular show for everyone!

The world-renowned Gravity & Other Myths creates a pert form of circus theater in which the performers keep pushing their own boundaries and those of the circus.

More info

direction Lachlan Binns co-direction Darcy Grant music Nick Martin and Shenzo Gregorio artists eight acrobats and a drummer photo Simon McClure


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