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Zinzi -TENT (NL)
Sun 16/02/2025 - 19:00
7-107 yrs

Ticket prices

€ 18 (rang 1) - € 16 (rang 2)

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Rugs on the stage. Seven acrobats are falling over and over again. When the earth slips form under your feet, how do you find your feet again?

Without a foothold, the performers take the plunge and they keep on falling, better and better. In the circus performance ‘MAT’, they challenge themselves and each other to take risks. Because to get better at something, you need to have the courage to fail/fall. And who better to understand the art of falling than a circus performer? An international performance with spectacular acrobatics: about letting the pressure to achieve go, the beauty in failure and the freedom in allowing it.

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by TENT (NL), Common Ground and Split Second direction Zinzi Oegema co-direction, design and concept Hanneke Meijers choreography Piet van Dycke music My Blue Van light Wouter Moscou production Arnold Schut, TENT (NL), Common Ground (BE) and Split Second (UK) co-production CIRKLABO, Jacksons Lane, Perplx and Dommelhof made possible by Fonds Podiumkunsten, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunsten, Fonds21, The Flemish Government and Arts Council England photo Luke Lentes

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