O Nata Lux

Polyphony of the past and the present

Vlaams Radiokoor & Anemos Saxofoonkwartet
Sun 17/12/2023 - 15:00

Ticket prices

  • € 18 - check our reductions
  • Extra tickets: From November 1 you can still buy tickets in café In den Rozenkrans at Vlierbeek Abbey (only on site, not by telephone)

O Light born of Light. Jesus, redeemer of the world. That’s the beginning of the title work of this Christmas programme, written by Thomas Tallis, who rose to fame with his religious vocal music.

Other gems from the Renaissance and Baroque periods can also be found under the Christmas tree this year: pieces by Orlando di Lasso, Giovanni Gabrieli and Johann Sebastian Bach. They interweave the voices of the choir in an artistic, impressive and emotional way.

Contemporary composers draw inspiration from masters from the past and build on the old polyphony techniques and show their version of this vocal art form. The pieces of Jan Sandström, Veljo Tormis and Eric Whitacre fit seamlessly with those of their great examples, despite the many centuries between them.
The Anemos Saxophone Quartet, four young Belgian musicians putting the saxophone and its repertoire in a new light, is the perfect fit for this vocal Christmas programme, which, as usual, is concluded with some atmospheric classical Christmas carols. Happy holidays!

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with Vlaams Radiokoor & Anemos Saxofoonkwartet conductor Bart Van Reyn