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Maan (Moon)

Sun 08/12/2024 - 11:00
Sun 08/12/2024 - 15:00
Easy language
2-102 jaar

Ticket prices

€ 10 - check our reductions

Tomorrow I will visit. My rucksack is ready. With some drinks and a cookie. But how do I get there ...?

Het WOLK takes you on a visual voyage of discovery to places no man has ever been. Float with us into the unknown for an encounter written in the stars.

A visual experience for small children that even adults can dream of.

More info

concept and acting Saskia Verstiggel, Bert Van Wymeersch and Sarah Van Overwaelle design Bert Van Wymeersch and Sarah Van Overwaelle direction Danny Timmermans lighting design and technical performance Jonatan De Vroede music Bert Van Wymeersch with the support of De Vlaamse Overheid, CC De Ploter, CC Belgica, CC De Plomblom, GC De Volkskring, CC Emotia, Stad Dendermonde and deAuteurs photo Astrid Bultijnck

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