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Ensemble Irini

O Sidera - Roland de Lassus - Byzantine liturgy

Zomer van Sint-Pieter 2024
Tue 13/08/2024 - 12:15
tickets as of june 19th, 12h
tickets as of june 19th, 12h

Ticket prices

  • € 8 ticket (programme guide included)
  • Pass 5 tickets: € 36 (€ 4 reduction) - Pass 10 tickets: € 70 (€ 10 reduction) - more info
  • free for children under the age of 13 (accompanied by an adult)
  • € 1,60 with UiTPAS social rate - no other reductions

O Sidera

Roland de Lassus (ca 1531-1594)
Prophetiae Sibyllarum

Byzantine liturgy

Ensemble Irini takes us on a fascinating journey between Constantinople and Rome, between Ancient Greece and the Renaissance, and between the cult of Apollo and Christianity. They alternate the mysterious Sibylline Prophecies with hypnotising pieces of Byzantine liturgy.

More info

Ensemble Irini: Lila Hajosi (direction) - Valérie Pellegrini (mezzo soprano) - Julie Azoulay (contralto) - Benoît-Joseph Meier (tenor) - Guglielmo Buonsanti (bass) - Sébastien Brohier (bass)


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