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Chasing Splinters

Wout Vanroose (BE)
Wed 18/12/2024 - 19:00
Thu 19/12/2024 - 19:00
5-105 yrs

Ticket prices

€ 10 - check our reductions

One person in a landscape composed of a thousand little wooden blocks. Where is the line between ambition and absurdity? ‘Chasing Splinters’ is a tragicomic representation of the man and the absurdity of his existence, driven by the endless pursuit of more. Meet Wout, who treads his way through the trivial obligations of life as he continues to build his magnus opus. The increasing numer of setbacks challenges his perseverance and the question “what driver him” is ringing louder and louder.

Wout Vanroose is a circus artist, musician and engineer from Leuven. He combines all these disciplines in a unique manner during the creation process. The result breathes circus, even though there is not much use of classical circus techniques.

More info

creation Wout Vanroose and Hendrik Van Maele artists Wout Vanroose outside eye Toon Van Gramberen and Josse De Broeck technique Capser Van Overschee music Jef Callebaut coproductions CIRKLABO and Perplx residencies De Ruimte and BAC ART LAB (KU Leuven) courtesy of Flemish Government photo Heroen Bollaert

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