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Zullen we samen … (Shall we …) [WZC Ter Putkapelle]

tout petit
Wed 20/11/2024 - 14:30
3-103 yrs

Ticket prices

€ 8 - check our reductions

Shall we … laugh, watch and play? This performance is all about encounter. The encounter between two dancers who keep each other in balance, but also the encounter between children and seniors. A dance show for young and old in various assisted-living complexes.

  • wordless performance

More info

choreography Ilke Teerlinck dance Ilke Teerlinck and Gold Mayanga music Koen Brouwers scenography Erki De Vries movement advice and dramaturgy Lies Cuyvers, Ciska Vanhoyland and Iñaki Azpillaga production tout petit, MoMeNT and cultuurcentrum Hasselt with the support of the city of Hasselt with thanks to deRUIMTE in collaboration with Directie Welzijn