Zullen we samen … (Shall we …)

tout petit
Sat 18/11/2023 - 14:00
3 - 103 year

Ticket prices

€ 5 - check our reductions

Shall we laugh, watch and play? Encounters take precedence in this show on location. Encounters between two dancers who keep each other in balance, as well as encounters between young children and seniors. After all, they enjoy a dance performance together. A performance in which two dancers challenge each other to push their limits. The dancers throw each other off balance in the air and then catch one another.

Throughout the show, the encounters between the performers and between the audience become more intense. At the start, the audience is seated facing one another, with the dance floor and the two dancers between them. This way, the audience is not just looking at the dancers, but also at each other. After the show, the audience is brought together in an interactive session. They go on an exploratory journey together. Watching and playing together is central.

The performance is shown in a home for the elderly and is aimed at a very diverse audience.