Hatis Noit

Fri 02/02/2024 - 20:00

Ticket prices

€ 16 / € 12 (STUK card / KU Leuven Culture card)

Japanese vocalist Hatis Noit (stem of the Japanese lotus flower) wows every audience with her phenomenal voice and acrobatic vocal technique. She can sing opera, yodel, growl deeply, make soundscapes and create hypnotising compositions - using only her vocal chords. Her fascination for the voice arose came to fruition when, aged 16, she heard a Nepalese monk’s chant. 

Since that day, she has been inspired by Gagaku (Japanese classical music), Gregorian and Bulgarian chants, avant-garde (Meredith Monk) and pop (Björk). In her live performances she plays with the acoustics of the space and moves around like a dancer - hence the choice for the wonderfully echoing KADOC chapel. 

David Lynch is a fan of Hatis Noit - are you next?

  • In collaboration with STUK


"This is a voice you only need to hear once and you’ll never forget it" — BBC 6 Music

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