De kleine finale van Hert

Free try-out

Fleur Perneel
Fri 23/02/2024 - 17:00 - 17:35
35 minuten
This event is free

Hunter tries to shoot Deer all day long. Deer escapes death. Hunter returns home and accidentally hits Deer in the darkness. Deer is still alive but in a struggle for life. Hunter is distraught, unable to kill, unable to save. The Deer's final struggle is about whether or not it should die, whether or not to stay alive. It's about being aware of the end of life. A conversation between Hunter and Deer, performed and written by Fleur Perneel.

Fleur also shines in 'De Duivels' by Vzw Krapp and KVS, and collaborated on the performance 'Eldorado' by Cy NDE. She previously performed her solo show 'HUNT OR BE HUNTED' and co-created 'J’ai creusé des chutes'. Additionally, she was a singer in the band Strandravage.

She holds a Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts from KASK School Of Arts Gent, followed by a Bachelor's degree in Circus Arts from ESACTO’lido in Toulouse. Fleur also studied a mime training at the AHK in Amsterdam.


The Leuven circus workplace CIRKLABO welcomes and supports many circus artists to work on their performances.

Try-out: a piece or some fragments of a show that artists want to test for an audience. The artist gives you an insight into how a circus performance is created. Who knows, you might even contribute to the creation yourself.