Since 1867 our Schouwburg (literally meaning ‘theatre’ in Dutch) is a place of grandeur, and a ‘temple’ for plays, concerts and performances. It is, without any doubt, one of the most recognizable and well-known places in town.

In 2017, we celebrated the theatre’s 150th anniversary with a huge birthday weekend. This anniversary was also the proper moment for retrospection and with the help of the city’s heritage department (Erfgoedcel Leuven), we created a brand new exhibition on the grand staircase.

In this exhibition we have visualized 150 years of Schouwburg. On your trip from the ground floor to the foyer on the second floor, you will travel through time. You’ll discover the most remarkable era and their corresponding heritage. Unique footages, noteworthy facts and intriguing testimonies bring history alive.

You can visit the exposition for free before and after each show in our main venue.