Cultural shock
At CULTURAL SHOCK, a new generation of breakers, drag queens, activists, writers, DJs, actors and musicians come together to create sharp, innovative and inclusive events. An elevated venue for young people and artists.
The programming of events within Cultural shock is carried out by the youth themselves. 30CC provides support and advice.
Young Poets Society: meet people, talk passionately, get inspired. An evening for students who want to meet new people and broaden their cultural palette.
Drag brunch: Expect exuberant lip-sync performances, extravagant outfits and a healthy dose of sassy attitudes. All this while enjoying a sumptuous brunch (including two mimosas).
Hip hop and related disciplines, such as rap, slam poetry and breaking, are woven into the lives of young (but also older) Leuven residents and young people far beyond.
Sandwich with jazz: Join us for lunch in the foyer of the Schouwburg. Bring your sandwiches and enjoy live jazz in Leuven's most beautiful venue.
Hybrid Studios: Together with TRILL, 30CC supports two young artists for a year with their artistic project.
Discover SHIFT, a high-tech youth house located in the 30CC/Schouwburg. Jump in and experiment with VR experiences, AI and 3D sculptures.